PH2000F Series
The Kubota foldable power harrow PH2000F with working widths from 4.0, 5.0 and 6.0m. The product range of Kubota power harrows is designed to meet the needs of large-scale farming.
The Kubota PH2000F is based on an innovative trough design that does not require any lateral frame. This saves weight and gives the machine a clear design. The power harrow works with 4 rotors per metre of trough. Optimum tillage performance and low power consumption is achieved by the closer inter-tine carrier distances (25cm). In addition the helical tines configuration combined with 95mm of rotor clearance allow perfect soil levelling and preparation.
The Advantages
- Efficient performance with a lower weight.
- Minimum power requirements and reduced fuel consumption.
- Great versatility to carry seeding equipment.
- Wide offer of rear rollers
Heavy-duty trough design
- The innovative trough design without any lateral frame.
- Clear design saving weight.
- High clearance of 95mm between the tine holder and trough bottom.
- Double conical bearings and rotor shaft of 50mm diameter in combination with removable tine holders and Quick-Fit tines guarantee high reliability and very low maintenance requirements.
“Pro-fit” active tines – Optional through Spare Parts
- The “Pro-Fit” Active tines ensure optimum penetration in hard soil.
- The tine, due to its shape, pulls itself into the ground. This gives a constant working depth and also prevents the machine from lifting out of the ground in hard dry soil conditions.
- It creates additional recompaction at the packer roller.
- The “Pro-fit” active tine lifts the material and pushes it in front of the power harrow. This gives an optimum leveling effect even in tractor tracks.
- In mulch conditions the active tines can work directly into stubble and hard soil.
- The special shape of the tines keeps residues on the surface and this gives a big advantage against erosion.
- Helical tine positioning in order to prevent damage caused by stones and to ensure even leveling. This reduces also peak loads on the driveline and results in smoother running and less fuel consumption.
Quick-fit carbide tines – Standard
- The quick-fit tines for easy replacement and carbide tines for a longer lifetime and minimum wearing are available.
- Quick-fit tines are simply fixed to the tine holder by a pin and a clip. All tines can be quickly replaced without any tools.
- Down time can be minimised due to our carbide layered Quick-Fit tines. These tines ensure a long lifetime and minimum wearing even in tough and abrasive soils.
Roller Options
- The range of rollers offers the right choice for all various soil conditions and crop establishment systems.
- Cage Roller dia. 550mm: light to medium soil and dry working conditions, basic variant: mainly for depth control of the power harrow.
- Tooth Packer Roller dia. 575mm: medium to heavy soil, most versatile roller – especially as part of heavy power harrow/seed drill combination.