Ergonomics, Visibility and Optimization
Long spraying days and nights, and higher spraying speeds, all place heavy demands on comfort and eas of operation.
ALPHA evo features a fine balance between front and rear and has a low total weight giving an optimal weight/capacity ratio and high performance even under wet field conditions.
A high ground clearance from 120 to 165 cm allows for flexible usage over low and tall crops, including sweet corn and sunflowers.
Optimized visibility with 3-pillar design
The new large spacious EvoCab II has been specifically developed by HARDI with our ‘3-pillar design’, which sets a new standard of visibility through more than 320° around the sprayer.
The cabin is equipped with a pressurisation system plus dust, aerosol and vapor filtering of fresh air, to protect the driver and meet Class 4 requirements.
The new climate control system has been tested intensively in a climate chamber to ensure driver comfort in the hottest conditions.
FloatRide suspension
The new ALPHA evo features FloatRide, replacing the earlier standard of coil spring suspension with airbags. This ensures even better boom stability and helps keep ALPHA balanced on steep slopes. Chassis height is maintained regardless of tank volume.
By allowing for individual wheel movement of up to 185 mm ALPHA provides maximum comfort, even at high spraying speeds.